CITA-Alzhemirren ekoizpen zientifikoan 105 lan (94 artikulu zientifiko) argitaratu dira 2010eko azaro eta 2021eko maiatz bitartean (iturria, Web of Science).
Argitalpen horiek 2.127 artikulutan izan dira hizpide. Guztira 2.324 aipamen egin dira, eta horietatik 2.251 ez dira geuk eginak.
Aldizkari zientifikoetan argitaratutako artikuluen % 70etik gora lehenengo kuartileko aldizkarietan argitaratu dira.
- Skrobot, Olivia A.; Black, Sandra E.; Chen, Christopher; […]Martinez-Lage, P.; […] Progress toward standardized diagnosis of vascular cognitive impairment: Guidelines from the Vascular Impairment of Cognition Classification Consensus Study ALZHEIMERS & DEMENTIA Doi: 10.1016/j.jalz.2017.09.007
- Bos, Isabelle; Vos, Stephanie J. B.; Jansen, Willemijn J.; […]Estanga, Ainara; Ecay-Torres, Mirian; […]Verhey, Frans R.; Visser, Pieter Jelle; Alzheimers Dis Neuroimaging Initia. Amyloid-beta, Tau, and Cognition in Cognitively Normal Older Individuals: Examining the Necessity to Adjust for Biomarker Status in Normative Data FRONTIERS IN AGING NEUROSCIENCE Doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2018.00193
- Martinez-Lage, Pablo; Martin-Carrasco, Manuel; Arrieta, Enrique; Rodrigo, Jesus; Formiga, Francesc. Map of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias in Spain. MapEA Project; Mapa de la enfermedad de Alzheimer y otras demencias en España. Proyecto MapEA Revista espanola de geriatria y gerontologia Doi: 10.1016/j.regg.2017.07.006
- Sanz, B.; Larrinaga, G.; […]Martinez-Lage, P.; […]J. Obesity parameters, physical activity, and physical fitness are correlated with serum dipeptidyl peptidase IV activity in a healthy population HELIYON Doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2018.e00627
- Bos, Isabelle; Vos, Stephanie; Vandenberghe, Rik; […]Martinez-Lage, Pablo; […]Visser, Pieter Jelle. The EMIF-AD Multimodal Biomarker Discovery study: design, methods and cohort characteristics ALZHEIMERS RESEARCH &THERAPY Doi: 10.1186/s13195-018-0396-5
- Martinez-Lage, Pablo; Martin-Carrasco, Manuel; Arrieta, Enrique; Rodrigo, Jesus; Formiga, Francesc. Map of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias in Spain. MapEA Project; Mapa de la enfermedad de Alzheimer y otras demencias en España. Proyecto MapEA Revista espanola de geriatria y gerontologia Doi: 10.1016/j.regg.2017.07.006
- Sanz, B.; Larrinaga, G.; […]Martinez-Lage, P.; […]J. Obesity parameters, physical activity, and physical fitness are correlated with serum dipeptidyl peptidase IV activity in a healthy population HELIYON Doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2018.e00627
- Bos, Isabelle; Vos, Stephanie; Vandenberghe, Rik; […]Martinez-Lage, Pablo; […]Visser, Pieter Jelle. The EMIF-AD Multimodal Biomarker Discovery study: design, methods and cohort characteristics ALZHEIMERS RESEARCH &THERAPY Doi: 10.1186/s13195-018-0396-5
- Lopez-de-Ipina, Karmele; Martinez-de-Lizarduy, Unai; […]Estanga, Ainara; Tainta, Milkel; Ecay-Torres, Mirian. Advances on Automatic Speech Analysis for Early Detection of Alzheimer Disease: A Non-linear Multi-task Approach CURRENT ALZHEIMER RESEARCH Doi: 10.2174/1567205014666171120143800
- Mar, J; Arrospide, A; Soto-Gordoa, M; Machon, M; Iruin, A; Martinez-Lage, P; Gabilondo, A; Moreno-Izco, F;Gabilondo, A; Arriola, L. Validity of a computerized population registry of dementia based on clinical databases; Validez de un registro poblacional automatizado de demencia basado en las bases de datos clínicas Doi: 10.1016/j.nrl.2018.03.005
- Wink, Alle Meije; Tijms, Betty M.; ten Kate, Mara; […]Ecay-Torres,Mirian; Clerigue, Montserrat; Estanga, Ainara; Garcia-Sebastian, Maite; Izagirre, Andrea; Martinez-Lage Alvarez,Pablo; Villanua, Jorge; Barkhof, Frederik; Sanz-Arigita, Ernesto. Functional brain network centrality is relatedto APOE genotype in cognitively normal elderly BRAIN AND BEHAVIOR Doi: 10.1002/brb3.1080
- Lopez-de-Ipina, Karmele; Martinez-de-Lizarduy, Unai; […]Estanga, Ainara; Tainta, Milkel; Ecay-Torres, Mirian. Advances on Automatic Speech Analysis for Early Detection of Alzheimer Disease: A Non-linear Multi-task Approach CURRENT ALZHEIMER RESEARCH Doi: 10.2174/1567205014666171120143800
- Mar, J; Arrospide, A; Soto-Gordoa, M; Machon, M; Iruin, A; Martinez-Lage, P; Gabilondo, A; Moreno-Izco, F;Gabilondo, A; Arriola, L. Validity of a computerized population registry of dementia based on clinical databases; Validez de un registro poblacional automatizado de demencia basado en las bases de datos clínicas Doi: 10.1016/j.nrl.2018.03.005
- Wink, Alle Meije; Tijms, Betty M.; ten Kate, Mara; […]Ecay-Torres,Mirian; Clerigue, Montserrat; Estanga, Ainara; Garcia-Sebastian, Maite; Izagirre, Andrea; Martinez-Lage Alvarez,Pablo; Villanua, Jorge; Barkhof, Frederik; Sanz-Arigita, Ernesto. Functional brain network centrality is relatedto APOE genotype in cognitively normal elderly BRAIN AND BEHAVIOR Doi: 10.1002/brb3.1080
- Montal, Victor; Vilaplana, Eduard; Alcolea, Daniel; […]Garcia-Sebastian, Maite; Villanua, Jorge; Izagirre, Andrea; Estanga, Ainara; Ecay-Torres, Mirian; Iriondo, Ane; Clerigue, Montserrat; Tainta, Mikel; Martinez-Lage, Pablo; […] Cortical microstructural changes along the Alzheimer's disease continuum ALZHEIMERS & DEMENTIA Doi: 10.1016/j.jalz.2017.09.013
- Vermunt, Lisa; Veal, Colin D.; ter Meulen, Lea; […]Martinez-Lage, Pablo; […]Visser, Pieter Jelle. European Prevention of Alzheimer's Dementia Registry: Recruitment and prescreening approach for a longitudinal cohort and prevention trials ALZHEIMERS & DEMENTIA Doi: 10.1016/j.jalz.2018.02.010
- ten Kate, Mara; Redolfi, Alberto; Peira, Enrico; […]Martinez-Lage,Pablo; […] MRI predictors of amyloid pathology: results from the EMIF-AD Multimodal Biomarker Discovery study ALZHEIMERS RESEARCH & THERAPY MRI predictors of amyloid pathology: results from the EMIF-AD Multimodal Biomarker Discovery study. ALZHEIMERS RESEARCH & THERAPY.
- Montal, Victor; Vilaplana, Eduard; Alcolea, Daniel; […]Garcia-Sebastian, Maite; Villanua, Jorge; Izagirre, Andrea; Estanga, Ainara; Ecay-Torres, Mirian; Iriondo, Ane; Clerigue, Montserrat; Tainta, Mikel; Martinez-Lage, Pablo; […] Cortical microstructural changes along the Alzheimer's disease continuum ALZHEIMERS & DEMENTIA Doi: 10.1016/j.jalz.2017.09.013
- Vermunt, Lisa; Veal, Colin D.; ter Meulen, Lea; […]Martinez-Lage, Pablo; […]Visser, Pieter Jelle. European Prevention of Alzheimer's Dementia Registry: Recruitment and prescreening approach for a longitudinal cohort and prevention trials ALZHEIMERS & DEMENTIA Doi: 10.1016/j.jalz.2018.02.010
- ten Kate, Mara; Redolfi, Alberto; Peira, Enrico; […]Martinez-Lage,Pablo; […] MRI predictors of amyloid pathology: results from the EMIF-AD Multimodal Biomarker Discovery study ALZHEIMERS RESEARCH & THERAPY MRI predictors of amyloid pathology: results from the EMIF-AD Multimodal Biomarker Discovery study. ALZHEIMERS RESEARCH & THERAPY.
- Skrobot, Olivia A.; Black, Sandra E.; Chen, Christopher; […]Martinez-Lage, P.; […] Progress toward standardized diagnosis of vascular cognitive impairment: Guidelines from the Vascular Impairment of Cognition Classification Consensus Study ALZHEIMERS & DEMENTIA Doi: 10.1016/j.jalz.2017.09.007
- Bos, Isabelle; Vos, Stephanie J. B.; Jansen, Willemijn J.; […]Estanga, Ainara; Ecay-Torres, Mirian; […]Verhey, Frans R.; Visser, Pieter Jelle; Alzheimers Dis Neuroimaging Initia. Amyloid-beta, Tau, and Cognition in Cognitively Normal Older Individuals: Examining the Necessity to Adjust for Biomarker Status in Normative Data FRONTIERS IN AGING NEUROSCIENCE Doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2018.00193